Honeyed crepes

I rarely get a craving for sweets. But this evening was an exception to the rule. I wanted something for dessert, which I almost never want if I am at home. Good for health, good for figure, don’t you know.

Anyway, I decided to make myself some mishti, as we Bongs call it. Nothing elaborate, of course. Because a) I had virtually nothing in the house with which I could confect a fancy dessert, and b) it was way too hot for a protracted toiling in the kitchen.

I did some fast thinking and hit upon the idea of making sweet crepes. Hadn’t made them in a while, and they seemed like the perfect way to finish off a sultry, listless day -- easy to prepare, light, and seriously delicious with some honey, maple syrup or just a dusting of caster sugar.

So here’s the recipe. You do need some skill in flipping the crepes over and making sure that they come out thin and with lacy edges – the hallmark of crepes with cred. But that’ll come with practice. Or, if you’re a born cook, you’ll get it right straight off!

(Makes 6 crepes)


I cup of flour
1 egg
2 and a half cups of milk
Salt to taste
Oil for frying
Caster sugar
Honey or maple syrup or chocolate sauce


Sift the flour into a mixing bowl. Make a hole in the flour and break an egg into it. Mix it in nicely. Add a pinch of salt. Gradually add the milk into the mixture, beating it all the time. Once you have added all the milk, check to see if it is of a dropping consistency. If necessary, add a little more milk. Beat the mixture vigorously to make sure there are no lumps.

Refrigerate the mixture for half an hour.

Take it out of the fridge and beat it once again.

Put a tablespoon of oil into a frying pan. When heated, swirl it around to smear the base of the pan. Drop two tablespoons of the mixture into the pan and turn it around to spread the mixture thinly. Keep the flame on medium. Once the underside of the crepe is cooked, flip it over with a spatula. When both sides are done, fold it like an omelet.

After you've made all the crepes, dust some caster sugar on them. Serve with honey, maple syrup, or if you like, some chocolate sauce.  Yum.



  1. Gr8 to see your post after about 4 months. Keep them coming... Puja is just round the corner. Give us some festive recipes.


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